We are responsible to help each other rebuild lives when unexpected tragedy strikes.

Relief & Rebuilding

When we were called upon to bring relief and restoration to survivors of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in Leyte, Samar, and Northern Cebu in 2013 and 2014, we came to see the incalculable death and devastation that natural calamities bring, and realized that we needed to include victims of these disasters in the mission of Humanility. Being with thousands upon thousands of people who had lost their homes, loved ones, and everything that they possessed in life, impacted our lives forever and convinced us that as members of the community of humanity, we are responsible to help each other rebuild lives when tragedy strikes unexpectedly.

In the Philippines, we partner with The Typhoon Action Group on the ground to bring relief and restoration during these times of catastrophe. You can partner with us as well, financially or as a volunteer.

*All donations are tax-deductible. 

If you are interested in connecting with The Typhoon Action Group, click HERE.


Humanility envisions a world where every human being is loved, valued, and given the opportunity to reach their full potential in life. We emancipate and empower children at risk and victims of poverty, war, natural disasters, and human trafficking, through compassionate care and sustainable economic and educational development. When we see the suffering of those locked in the cycle of poverty, humility opens our minds to realize that "It could be me." Responsibility opens our minds to understand that change begins with me.

You can join the journey by sponsoring a child, empowering a family, or participating in a project. You can join the team by becoming an emissary, representative, or volunteer. Humanility believes that we are all members of the community of humanity, and enter this world with vulnerability, potentiality, responsibility, and accountability. You can learn more about this in our blogs and Humanility Manifesto. 

You can connect or collaborate with us via info@humanility.org.