The Power Of One Life

Every person on the face of the earth has been created with amazing potential, limited only by their imagination and faith. Each one of us is worth far more than we could ever comprehend, yet from birth, there seems to be some unseen conspiracy to convince us that we are worthless and incompetent — that we just can’t be right or get it right.

Many have been the recipients of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, neglect, criticism, abandonment, and unfulfilled promises. We all experience failure, rejection, discouragement, disappointment, and disillusionment in our lives. The dark conspiracy works to shut us down at an early age, and continues until we breathe our last breath.

Many people on the planet succumb to the stress and pressure to conform to the mediocrity of the masses, but a rare breed rises up above the fray.

Most people settle for mediocre lives because mediocrity is the path of least resistance. When we choose to pursue lives of purpose, we will be continually stretched to higher levels beyond our previously self-imposed limits … and oh how it hurts. Always remember that what doesn’t kill us truly makes us stronger. When we get to the place where we feel we can no longer endure, we look to the one who created us for great things. Because of him who lives in us and empowers us, there is no limit to the things we can do and the places we can go.

So, how are you being stretched these days? Every time you are stretched, your capacity is expanded and you will become more than you ever were before. Whenever you feel stressed to the limits or ready to give up, remember that you will never become all that you were created to be unless you are stretched far beyond what you think you can endure! Never forget that a mind and life once stretched, can never return to its original shape. Why would anyone ever want it to be?

If you have been hurt by the words or treatment of others, have been discouraged by rejection or criticism, or have been disillusioned by the apathy of the majority, remember the power of one life. All it takes is one voice and one person to make a difference. Be ready and willing to stand up and speak up. You only get one shot, so make it count. Wake up and live every day to rise above the mediocrity of the masses and the rest of civilization to find true purpose, make a significant life, and leave an awesome legacy. Choose today and every day to be that one life that will make a difference in the world, at least in someone’s world.

Never underestimate the power of one life — your life!